Friday, October 22, 2010

HAPPY FULL MOON!! (at 29 degrees Aries) the first of five full moons at 29 degrees!

I find the most beautiful thing about the language of astrology to be the sacred geometry we see in the cycles of our lives.  Can we, our small selves, really grasp what it means to have a full moon at 29 Aries, after a previous full moon at 0 Aries?  After which, there will be four more full moons at the very last degree of each consecutive 30 degree color of our lives.  Can we really grasp what this means?  No.  the small mind can't possibly comprehend the details of what this means, however i know i get excited about it!  I can smell the energy and magnetically feel it.  To put it into words might feel like shoving the ocean through a cheese grater.  In spite of the outrageous micro-flexing that it is to put astrological archetypal movements into words, for our small minds to "get with them," it is a task i undertake because my passion for these cycles overflows and i can't help but want to share it in some way.  So here goes. . .

My and Our greatest challenge in these times, i believe, is to silence the chatter long enough to be able to allow the earth's "third eye," the Moon to take her place tonight like a giant eye, seeing into the new world, the old world, and every other world we take part in and to receive whatever it is we really need.  We can dance, celebrate and participate in whatever it is we do in the world, as a full moon will draw us up into whatever is "up" for us.  If we find ourselves, as i do now, find myself in a place where i'm alone, and have my own space, it is a gift i give myself tonight, to "do whatever it takes for me to prepare to be myself in the next act."

For me that is Qi Gong, Yoga, walking under the sky, cleaning out my car of all that it has travelled with all summer, and re-organizing everything.  Tonight, this FULL MOON at 29 Degrees Aries, is like a second harvest to harvest ourselves, to feel ourselves into our FRUITION.  The last tarot card in the deck, the World, also called, The Universe, is about the place in our lives where we stop preparing to be, or looking forward in any way.  We have arrived.  We are fully here, in costume, and ready for the play.  No need to rehearse, or finish writing something, or put stage make up on.  It has all been done.  We are about to step on the stage.  Are you ready?
When we think of what it takes for us to get to that place, where we feel we are truly "ready for anything,"  I believe tonight is about that shift.  We have had all these years, before now, to prepare ourselves for this next act.  We may feel there is something we need to complete or finish before the final act.  Tonight, and the next few days and two weeks of the rest of this cycle, are the time we have to do whatever it is we feel we need to do to be ready and in the right costume for the final act.  Although we can wear any costume we would like, there is a body of humanity that we are with, like it or not, ready or not, we are taking the next step together.  What do you need to be ready?  If you don't know, then be silent tonight, and avoid all of the chatter that comes from boxes everywhere.  The silence of this full moon, in its light, is "preparation food," and it will feed us if we are silent enough and receptive enough, everything we need to master ourselves, and be ready for the final act of our human evolution.

Its possible that 2012 means nothing specific, and that it will feel like nothing much.  And it is possible that over the next few years, we will be so changed, that everything we value and perceive at this time will change.  If that were to be the case, what would you most want to do in the final hours of the empire you live in now?  Today could also be called "Enjoy the Empire" Day.  Enjoy it while it is here.  Another TOWER like energy is on the horizon and we can still enjoy our towers for another few weeks, but . . . these are the end times of that old world and so it is good to enjoy it while it is here.  And honor the time of the TURNING and reverently, sweetly enjoy the goodbye.

What is the old world crumbling and what is the new world?  We are the conceptualizers of this.  The larger archetypal energies move through us and we conceptualize them and put them into  specific form.  There is an archetypal energy of our current American Empire in collapse, not just through the lens of astrology but also the lens of economics, politics, industry, and the bottom line.  It is collapsing.  We will conceptualize how this collapse occurs through us.  Tonight, while our personal MOON is crossing above all our heads tonight, shining its light upon our soup, it is cleansing us like a sage stick of the old world we have imprisoned ourselves in.  It is the end of our self-imprisonment.

We may choose to be held captive, but there is no need.  We can be free.  This full moon tonight is truly about our freedom (Aries) and our ability to master (29 degrees) this world enough to be truly who we came here to be, and to enjoy the things we love and do the things we are passionate about.  All else must be allowed to fall away at this time, with love.

I honor you in your freedom from whatever binds you into suffering, may you gracefully, let it go tonight and in the weeks to come.

From my friend Daniel Holeman, who posted this last night,

“Don’t ask what the world needs – ask what makes you come alive and go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” - Howard Thurman

Moon goddess, Coyolxauhqui, Thanks to Travis S. for the photo of this Mayan Moon Goddess!

Other Photo Credits: Top Photo: Crow Full Moon: Dave on Flickr, thanks Dave!  Middle Photo: "Saccsaywaman with human beings on top," ready for anything, Thanks to "Luis & his sexy pig" for the photo. 

I am available for astrology readings by phone.  Please e-mail me at if you are interested!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Venus like Shiva and Mars like Quan Yin

On the eve before Venus conjuncted Mars and Mercury went retrograde, Thursday evening, I stood on a rock receiving sunset and saying prayers, inquiring into this planetary conversation.  I received, from the ethers, after a solid hour of dancing on a rock, "Venus like Shiva and Mars like Quan Yin!"

As you may or may not know, Mercury, is a character with some coyote energy, especially when changing directions and especially while retrograde.  So we began a three week shamanic journey about the relationship of each of our own inner mars and our own inner venus.  This journey began yesterday, Friday, August 20th.  We'll be on this shamanic mercurial renewal and rebirth of our MARS and VENUS sacred relationship.

How are Mars and Venus doing when they come together in our lives?  What happened for you yesterday, Friday?

We're being rewired!!  Three weeks!!

We've been living in a time of "separation consciousness for the purpose of some soul's evolutionary lessons, but things are changing rapidly--our human-earth spiritual journey is speeding up and the trumpets are calling, "Lead into Gold!"  and "Humans into Divinity!  We are called into our God and Goddess selves at this time.  God and goddess-selves, when they are in relationship relate differently than human beings struggling along in the dark tunnel of lessons of separated thinking.  As our minds are alchemized over Mercury's next three weeks of retrograde, through the sign of Virgo--the balancing healer of all tiny and not-so-tiny imbalances.  WE are being alchemized and healed in this realm of sacred masculine to sacred feminine experience.

Truth seems to be the sacred key.  With Saturn in Libra for the next two years, holding us accountable to what our true"right relationship" is like for each one of us, we'll be finding deeper and deeper layers of "Truth" in relationship for the next two years.

As i look back over my previous relationships with the many different men i've related with in any way, i am touching into gratitude for the rolls each one played in my "story" of life, so that i have come to be who i am today.  Not all of my experiences of men in relationship have been comfortable, most of them encompassing some unique piece of my own dance with life and all the forms the masculine can take.  I am eternally grateful to my sacred partner through lifetimes, the divine masculine, as i am in a divine feminine body!!

Even on my camping trip to Mount Shasta, monk-like spiritual men appeared to play a masculine roll, so i could wader off into the woods, get lost in the dark, (ecstaticly lost) and then graciously and gratefully a man's voice shines a light, "Azlan, camp is over here."  I loved wandering in the forest over moonlight at Mount Shasta. I just spent my birthday week doing a pilgrimmage at hte base of Mount Shasta.  I allowed myself to be nourished, taught and loved by the elementals there.  Mars, in its "Quan Yin" state is strongly connected to elemental energy--I'm discovering.  Earth my body, Water my blood, Air my breath and Fire my spirit.

As Mercury the mind went retrograde yesterday, I found myself asking, "What is the difference between human/personhood mind and "elemental mind."  If i begin to "Mars like Quan Yin,' my actions align wiht the instinct as connected to wind, water, sun and starlight.  These are the forces now guiding my own "Quan Yin Mars."  As i explore my own "Venus like Shiva," it is about doing love and beauty passionately, with some force and some power.  No more wimpy love and no more timid Goddess.  Love, Honor, Ecstacy, Beauty and Creativity is feeling like Shiva.  We are flowering and this is not hte 60's anymore, that was preparation or something.  This time "Love is the new world Power," for real.

So as mercury retrogrades in Vifgo having initiated this mental communications, transportatoin, rewire, rewrite, rethink, recreate, re-membering time.  WE have an opportunity, each one of us to "clean the slate of our relationship history and start anew, in a new world, where humanity is no longer in the tunnel ofseparation, but has stepped into our divinity.  Relationship will look feel and smell very differently in our new world, than the ones of the old world. Please let me know how you see relationship changing from old world to new world!!  May we all heal graciously as magnetic laughing rewiring mercury retrogrades.

Today, Saturday, Saturn also squared Pluto (early this morning) this is one of the many "tightening of the vessel" energies that i feel we've been going through since the Grand Cross energy began.  We've each been in a "pressure cooker of our own making," looking us toward our own awaking.

Blessed rewiring of mars, venus and mercurial things.
Azlan White

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Full Moon Eclipse in Capricorn 5:30AM MDT on Saturday, JUNE 26th

The SUN is with MERCURY, in the SUMMER SIGN, CANCER opposite the MOON conjunct PLUTO in rigid CAPRICORN!!
We are Gods and Goddesses.  We are Creators, now more than ever before.  We must accept the power, the soul, the depth and the truth of this power and use it well in every breath.  Capricorn is an energy to be VERY CLEAR with.  Nothing should escape clear intention during this time.  Every word.  Every step.  Every breath.  . . . filled with CLEAR INTENTION.

Full MOON Lunar Eclipse, conjunct PLUTO in Capricorn.  at four degrees Capricorn!!  The SAME DEGREE!!!  A FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE, WITH PLUTO . . . . was the Cosmic Goddess JOKING?  It is time to completely honor the DEATH OF THE OLD.  When one looks at the DEATH card in the TAROT, there are mystical symbols that speak to a point in human evolution where we achieve the mystical death of the Ego, which on a larger social scale, is the death of Patriarchal Systems of power. 

This next few days is a time for intense prayer. holding the whole earth in grace, peace, gentle penetrating justice for all of creation.  We need to surrender our personal will to the will of the Divine.  We can use this powerful time of transformation to transform!!

Call in the Angels, Trumpets are Blowing!!  The caterpillars are melting into nutrified soup.  It is the time for imaginal cells, regeneration, death and rebirth, more economic collapse of the "old system."

EVERY THOUGHT MATTERS.  EVERY WORD is like a thousand words of God.  I'm singing, "every little cell in my body is happy now, every little cell in my body is well!!"
"I'm soooo glad, every little cell, in my body is happy and well!!!"

I heal myself i heal the earth!!
Shadow material and veils dissolve easily as the truth emerges.  I surrender my personal will to the will of the divine.  I am willing to receive guidance from my highest self.  I choose to act in alignment with Spirit.  I choose to be in alignment with cosmic forces.  I love the earth.

I hold space for the deaths and destruction that is happening.  I pray for healing.  I pray for grace and regeneration.  I celebrate life.  I am a warrior on behalf of all of life.  I empower support and live honoring light.  I speak only that which i choose to empower.  I am silent.  I love.

I take every step with consciousness and care for the next month and a half.  Eclipse territory is super-consciousness-rite-of-death-passage territory.  We must travel with humility and gratitude.  Blessing everyone we see and touch.

The CRAB has wisdom for us at this new moon.  We need to trust our own insides, our own intuitions ABSOLUTELY.  We must speak out when our intuitions speak.  If we FEEL something, we must bring it gently to the table.  If no one hears us, we must repeat ourselves, gently and consistently until we are heard.  If we are still not heard, we must take care of ourselves--whatever that means.

This is a season for caring deeply.  We need to nourish all that is life-giving.  Every facet of life needs a prayer at this time.  Every creature needs care.  the shadow beings and the light, the red and the blue, each aspect of creation is facing its own death of ego, death of old.  It is time for Fierce Grace, Inter-dependent Activism, Spiritual Warriorism, Heightened Prayer Practices, Heightened attention.

We need to act as if every thought we think and every word we speak will manifest in a thousand worlds, a thousand times over.  Every breath, every nuance, every word.  Whisper . . . . sweetly . . . . I love you world!!  I forgive you humanity!  I forgive every dark thought, every monster, every misguided misused mind, word, hand, or power.  I choose to forgive, to heal, to release the darkest darkest most polarized potentials.

I am wise enough, kind enough and secure enough in my intergalactic web of light, to hold your hand, in this web of light, as we lift the earth from the deepest stickiest shadows of the most sinister uses for a polarized world in an evolutionary phase of mistakes, lifting our minds, our consciousness and our earth, into its purification, trusting in the evolutionary forces of grace, unconditional love, sunshine and rain, to nourish us.  If we are destroyed, we accept that our bodies are only temporary.  Our true nature is eternal and unconditionally loving.  Return, return return.

It is July 11th.  I am the Summer Goddess.  I am the Sun and the Earth and the whole fabric of life.  I am a goddess incarnate.  How will i create?  How will i heal?  How will i regenerate?  How will i channel the deepest power i've ever known in an appropriate way that serves all of life? How can i resurrect myself.  Die and Rebirth myself?  Can i become Jesus?  Can i become Buddha?  How can i become a Saint?

I welcome the community of Saints to earth.

This eclipse window is like high-initiation time.  It is a good time to "listen within" and follow spirit.  It is time to be fluid and responsive and safe.  Walk slowly and with care.

The new moon on the evening of August 9th heralds a new clean cycle, clear of the most intense eye of the needle point of the eclipse field. After AUGUST 9th, it is safer to sign contracts, begin projects, etc.  Tuesday August 10th and beyond are a waxing creative moon in Leo, preparing for the Harvest Season.  Those of us who are alive and well after this Eclipse Field need to celebrate being alive!!!!  We have made it to the next level of high initiation on Earth!!!!

May the SOURCE of your KNOWING, your ANGELs and YOUR PEACE be with you for the ECLIPSE FIELD!!! Breathe Consciously, walk conscoiusly, BE A CONSCIOUS SWORD OF TRUTH!!  My hand in yours in peace, healing and balance for ourselves, our community, and for our world.  In solidarity.

Thank you to Rouj on Flickr for the "Light as a Feather" Photo above.   Thank you to NASA for the other tiny peg photo.

If you would like an astrology reading please e-mail me at with your name, date of birth, time of birth, birth place, and your most pressing question.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Whoooooosh!!! Its 2010!! It flew in so fast, and i've been so busy with my activist work and my social profit work and the work of moving and being in relationship with people and life. I've been moving from one next thing to the next thing from waking to sleeping, with no extra time in between.

I am remembering hearing from elders, prophets and light beings over and over again, how time would be speeding up, and it would keep speeding up until we sped ourselves into a still point, or a "revolution/change point" that was so profound it just might change our whole perception and frame through which we see the world.

Mercury, planet of mind and short-distance daily travel, communications systems, words and vehicles, will retrograde from 10:06 pm, MST, Saturday April 17th, until May 11th at 4:27pm. Mercury will retrograde in the sign of taurus, beginning at 13 taurus, retrograding all the way back to 3 degrees taurus. Our communications systems are being revisited in many different ways. Taurus is the realm of money, core values, simplicity, senses, music, food, nourishment, and flowering.

As i look at Mercury, going retrograde later tonight at 10:06pm MDT, I see how communications is stirred up already in so many ways. EAch of us woke up this morning with some kind of "communication" stirring that is a sign or symbol for our next three weeks of some "piece of work." Are we working the mercury retrograde or are we being "worked by it?" If at any point in the next three weeks we feel "worked by the trickster archetype," we can seek mercy in our self exploration of whatever is arising as our own personal mercury story unfolds.

Here we go . . . the truth is the journey really already began, we were already in the shamanic journey of mercury retrograde, however it will come more into the third dimension tonight and for three weeks.

Please share your mercury retrograde stories if you wish, here or on my facebook site.

Each of us has a place in our natal chart where this mercury in Taurus will spend three weeks taking us through alchemical processes that may seem "beyond the control of our personal will." Look to see where in your natal chart you have Taurus, this is the area of life to be alchemized.

Good Luck on your journey.
I can be reached at If you'd like to know where the mercury retrograde shamanic journey happens in your chart, write to me.