Three times a year, for three weeks, the planet mercury appears, from planet earth, to go backwards in our sky. The truth is, mercury is still whizing around the sun, moving forward, but to us mercury is moving backward. These kinds of mis-understandings are more common during the three weeks that mercury is retrograde. Just like this image, each of us lives in our own "telephone head" where we hear what we think we hear and see what we think we see, but in reality, this is our own personal experience. What is communicated between two "telephone heads" can easily be misunderstood. During this three weeks, remember that each of us is in our own head, when we communicate with others. During this time, there are some important guidelines for a more graceful, and even fun time:
1. Always double check dates and times
2. Always have a back-up plan
3. Communicate with extra care
4. Have patience
5. Be flexable
6. Know that mercurial glitches will happen
7. Be able to let go of a fax machine that is not working
8. Stop, breathe, let it go
9. Review whatever needs reviewing
10. Dig into our past to find treasures
11. Notice the syncronicity of our past emerging
12. If you need to, speak to planet mercury about it.
For activists, parents and mates, people's minds are most open to change during a mercury retrograde period than at any other time. Retrograde periods are times of review and rectification with our past. This one is in Libra, the sign of the balancing fall equinox, the place where male and female, self and other, seek to find balance. This three weeks, we will review relationships. This is a perfect time to clean out the closet, releasing the old, to make way for the new. This is a great time to re-pattern, by replacing old patterns with new ways that support our conscious evolution.
During the three weeks between September 24 and October 15, it is best not to sign contracts or begin new projects. If you do either of these things, it is likely you will repeat steps and need to redo things. This is a great time to pull out old projects that needed redoing or that piece of writing that just needs one more edit; a perfect time for re- words, renovation, reconsideration, recognition, remember, re-do, re-calculate, re-negotiate, re-file, re-store, re-write, re-imagine, re-work, respect.
Between September 24 and October 15, your mind will be worked on, by the evolutionary forces of life. If you find you are having a difficult time with communications devices, even your own mind, take it to nature, breathe, and return to devices and communications issues, refreshed. Renewed perspective makes all the difference.
Photo Credits: top: "Loop_oh" on flickr
middle: "malias" on flickr
Bottom: Scenic Telephone Box - "fakelvis" on flickr