This new moon in Libra, at 2:00am MDT opens the curtain, to let in fresh new light, into the chrysalis we've been dangling in since the August eclipses. New light is emerging into our cocoons of deep inner change. We may not even realize how much we have changed since the beginning of the eclipse field, in July. We have all dissolved into a chrysalis. Today this light of the Libra New Moon asks us to clear the slate in our relationship lives, to compost all attachments and expectations into the freedom that allows for true union. When we are truly free, our coming together is blissfully chosen, rather than arriving out of expectation. This new moon begins a whole new journey, we begin to emerge out of the chrysalis, into our new form. Our wings may feel a little clipped, but the fresh innocent new energy of this new moon can rejuvenate even a tired soul.
photo Credit: makelessnoise, flickr
Hello awakening astrology, this will be a pleasure of brief duration, since my choice of blogs to read today has fallen on you. Do you love books? Have you read the master and margarita? I will be leaving a trail for you to my blog in the event that you consider it worthy of a counter visit and invite in order that I return as faithfully as I can but I must say your blog has given more scope to my feeble human mind. It was very pleasing to read.